Baby wearing is the way to go

Thursday, August 11, 2016

baby wearing, babymama, baby carrier, carrier, saya, mama blogger, mommy diaries, stylish mom
I am no expert with babies, as you all know, I'm a first time mom. Everyday I am learning something new about being a mother and about my son. I am always checking blogs about parenting, baby care, motherhood and also medical website about babies' growth, development, needs and all those in between. I do cross referencing of my sources so it's both scientific and experience based. I'll probably share with you some of my favorite blogs soon.

 Anyway, this post is dedicated to my sentiments on baby wearing. I tell you based on my experience, it's the way to go! Read more on why.

When I was still single, I said to myself that I'm not going to use any carrier for my baby, for two reasons: I am afraid that my baby would not be comfortable in it and it felt like using it is me being a bad parent. I'm quite stereotype about this things back then.

 So I did a lot of research if my fear has basis, well, it turned out I'm just me being a crazy stereotype.  I have read in numerous blogs and website that baby wearing helps with babies growth and also a good bonding for you and your baby. Wearing your baby gives them a sort of feeling like they never left your womb. Actually, last time on my son's monthly check-up, I wore him and he really seems to enjoy being worn since he was asleep the whole time and woke up happily in time for his consultation. Aside from having a good bonding with my son, being with me wherever I go,  hands-free means I can do other stuff which includes holding my husband's hand. It also gives us more family time because we can go without the sitter. 

That ease feeling we have going out without the sitter nor the stroller is all thanks to the semi-stretched knitted carrier I got from BabyMama. This particular carrier takes my vote the other way around and here I am suggesting you that baby wearing is the way to go! What I want about the Saya carrier is it's very lightweight, which gives room for ventilation and the cloth is soft making it not harmful to your baby. It's also easier to keep once you're not using it or you can use it as a scarf to. Too bad I don't have pictures of it, maybe next time. 

Do you need more convincing in wearing your baby? Well, check out my photos for more proofs. I am really one happy mama baby wearing! Try it out too and tell me all about it!

baby wearing, babymama, baby carrier, carrier, saya, mama blogger, mommy diaries, stylish mom

baby wearing, babymama, baby carrier, carrier, saya, mama blogger, mommy diaries, stylish mom

Happy baby wearing! <3 :d="" p="">


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